Colossians 1:27 & 28
27 …God willed to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. 28 We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ.
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Audio files: Click here
Video files (Most recent first):
- 01-19-2025
- 01-12-2025
- 01-05-2025
- 12-29-2024
- 12-22-2024
- 12-15-2024 Kids Christmas Program
- 12-08-2024
- 12-01-2024
- 11-24-2024
- 11-17-2024
- 11-10-2024 – Pastor Adam
- 11-03-2024
- 10-27-2024 – Sorry, no video this week
- 10-20-2024
- 10-13-2024
- 10-06-2024
- 09-29-2024
- 09-22-2024
- 09-15-2024
- 09-08-2024
- 09-01-2024 – Missionary Alex Williams
- 08-25-2024
- 08-18-2024
- 08-11-2024 – Missionary Alex Williams
- 08-04-2024
- 07-28-2024 (Sermon Only)
- 07-21-2024
- 07-14-2024 – Pastor Adam
- 07-07-2024 – Pastor Adam
- 06-30-2024 – Pastor Adam
- 06-23-2024
- 06-16-2024
- 06-09-2024
- 06-02-2024
- 05-26-2024
- 05-19-2024
- 05-12-2024 – Sorry, no video this week
- 05-05-2024
- 04-28-2024
- 04-21-2024
- 04-14-2024
- 04-07-2024
- 03-31-2024 Easter Sunday
- 03-24-2024 (The Road to The Cross Part 4)
- 03-17-2024 (The Road to The Cross Part 3)
- 03-10-2024 (The Road to The Cross Part 2)
- 03-03-2024 (The Road to The Cross Part 1)
- 02-25-2024
- 02-18-2024
- 02-11-2024
- 02-04-2024
- 01-28-2024
- 01-21-2024 (Missionary Brett Belleque)
- 01-14-2024 (Canceled due to ice storm)
- 01-07-2024
- 12-31-2023
- 12-24-2023 (Special Christmas Service)
- 12-17-2023 (Kids Christmas Program)
- 12-10-2023
- 12-03-2023
- 11-26-2023
- 11-19-2023
- 11-12-2023
- 11-05-2023
- 10-29-2023
- 10-15-2023
- 10-22-2023
- 10-8-2023 (Pastor Adam filled in)
- 10-1-2023
- 9-24-2023
- 9-17-2023
- 9-10-2023
- 9-3-2023
- 8-27-2023
- 8-20-2023
- 8-13-2023
- 8-6-2023
- 7-30-2023
- 7-23-2023
- 7-16-2023
- 7-9-2023
- 7-2-2023
- 6-25-2023
- 6-18-2023 – Father’s Day
- 6-11-2023
- 6-4-2023
- 5-28-2023
- 5-21-2023
- 5-14-2023 – Mother’s Day
- 5-07-2023
- 4-30-2023
- 4-23-2023
- 4-16-2023
- 4-9-2023 – Resurrection Sunday
- 4-2-2023 – Palm Sunday
- 3-26-2023
- 3-19-2023
- 3-12-2023
- 3-5-2023 (Sermon Only)
- 2-26-2023
- 2-19-2023
- 2-12-2023
- 2-5-2023
- 1-29-2023 (Pastor Adam filled in)
- 1-22-2023
- 1-15-2023
- 1-8-2023
- 1-1-2023
- 12-25-2022-Christmas
- 12-18-2022-Christmas Program
- 12-11-2022
- 12-04-2022
- 11-27-2022
- 11-20-2022 – Thanksgiving
- 11-13-2022
- 11-06-2022
- 10-23-2022
- 10-30-2022 (Pastor Adam filled in)
- 10-16-2022
- 10-09-2022
- 10-02-2022
- 09-25-2022
- 09-18-2022
- 09-11-2022
- 09-04-2022 – Introduction to Genesis
- 08-28-2022 (Brett Belleque – InFaith Ministry)
- 08-21-2022 (Pastor Adam)
- 08-14-2022 -Romans Conclusion
- 08-07-2022 (Pastor Adam)
- 07-31-2022
- 07-24-2022
- 07-17-2022
- 07-10-2022
- 07-03-2022
- 06-26-2022
- 06-19-2022 Father’s Day
- 06-12-2022 (Pastor Don)
- 06-05-2022 (Brett Belleque – InFaith Ministry)
- 05-29-2022
- 05-22-2022
- 05-15-2022
- 05-08-2022
- 05-01-2022
- 04-24-2022
- 04-17-2022 (Resurrection Sunday)
- 04-10-2022 (Palm Sunday)
- 04-03-2022
- 03-27-2022
- 03-20-2022
- 03-13-2022
- 03-06-2022 (Sermon Only)
- 02-27-2022
- 02-20-2022 (Sermon Only)
- 02-13-2022
- 02-06-2022
- 01-30-2022
- 01-23-2022
- 01-16-2022
- 01-09-2022 Bob Rodgers-N.I.C.E.
- 01-02-2022
- 12-26-2021 (Canceled due to ice)
- 12-19-2021 Christmas Celebration
- 12-12-2021 (Sermon Only)
- 12-05-2021
- 11-28-2021
- 11-21-2021 Thanksgiving
- 11-14-2021 Alex Williams
- 11-07-2021
- 10-31-2021
- 10-24-2021
- 10-17-2021
- 10-10-2021
- 10-03-2021
- 09-26-2021
- 09-19-2021
- 09-12-2021
- 09-05-2021
- 08-29-2021
- 08-22-2021
- 08-15-2021 Pastor Adam
- 08-08-2021 Pastor Adam
- 08-01-2021
- 07-25-2021
- 07-18-2021
- 07-11-2021 (Sermon only)
- 07-04-2021
- 06-27-2021
- 06-20-2021 Father’s Day
- 06-13-2021 Romans Introduction Part 2
- 06-06-2021 Romans Introduction Part 1
- 05-30-2021 Alex Williams
- 05-23-2021 Acts 28:25-31
- 05-16-2021 Acts 28:11-24
- 05-09-2021 Mother’s Day – Acts 28:1-10
- 05-02-2021 Acts 27:27-44
- 04-25-2021 Acts 27:1-26
- 04-18-2021 Acts 26:17-32
- 04-11-2021 Acts 26:1-16
- 04-04-2021 Easter
- 03-28-2021 – Pastor Don
- 03-21-2021 Acts 25:23-27
- 03-14-2021 Acts 25:1-22
- 03-07-2021 Acts 24:24-27
- 02-28-2021 Acts 23:12-24:24
- 02-21-2021 Acts 23:1-11
- 02-14-2021 Acts 22:17-30
- 02-07-2021 Acts 21:37-22:16
- 01-31-2021 Acts 21:15-36
- 01-24-2021 Acts 21:1-14
- 01-17-2021 Acts 20:31-38
- 01-10-2021 Acts 20:25-30
- 01-03-2021 – New Year’s sermon
- 12-27-2020 – Christmas -2
- 12-20-2020 – Christmas-1
- 12-13-2020 Acts 20:22-24
- 12-06-2020 Acts 20:13-21
- 11-29-2020 – Thanksgiving
- 11-22-2020 Acts 20:2-12
- 11-15-2020 Acts 19:21-20:1
- 11-08-2020 Acts 19:8-20
- 11-01-2020 Acts 18:12-19:7
- 10-25-2020 Acts 18:1-11
- 10-18-2020 Acts 17:14-34
- 10-11-2020 Acts 17:5-13
- 10-04-2020 – Missionary Alex Williams
- 09-27-2020 Acts 17:1-4
- 09-20-2020 Acts 16:31-40
- 09-13-2020 Acts 16:19-31
- 09-06-2020 Acts 16:11-18
- 08-30-2020 – Pastor Adam
- 08-23-2020 Acts 16:1-10
- 08-16-2020 Acts 15:30-41
- 08-09-2020 Acts 15:12-29
- 08-02-2020 Acts 14:24-15:11
- 07-26-2020 Acts 14:14-23
- 07-19-2020 Acts 14:8-22
- 07-12-2020 Acts 14:1-18
- 07-05-2020 Acts 13:42-52
- 06-28-2020 Acts 13:26-41
- 06-21-2020 Acts 13:13-41
- 06-14-2020 Acts 12:20-13:12
- 06-07-2020 Acts 12:1-19
- 05-31-2020 Acts 11:19-30
- 05-24-2020 Acts 10:44-11:18
- 05-17-2020 Acts 10:34-43
- 05-10-2020 Acts 10:1-33
- 05-03-2020 Acts 9:31-43
- 04-26-2020 Acts 9:19-30
- 04-19-2020 Acts 9:10-19
- 04-12-2020_Easter
- 04-05-2020 Acts 9:1-9